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Under tall green trees, four musicians stand on a natural stage on a rock wall. They are dressed casually and comfortably. The bass player on the left has a blue electric bass and is involved in playing. The central figure is the singer, holding a microphone and wearing a red cape. Just barely visible behind the red cape is the face of the drummer, concentrating. The last musician has an acoustic guitar and is standing at the microphone singing and playing.

Sylvan Sounds: The Jim Ocean Band

A new free outdoor concert series previewed in Guerneville’s glorious redwoods last October, featuring the Jim Ocean Band. The “Sylvan Sounds” concert series will officially kick off in Spring 2024.

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Pilot Projects launch soon

Pilot projects at California State Parks are being initiated this summer, including art-focused events and installations at parks across the State. Projects will be announced on this website soon, along with opportunities to experience and/or participate. California State Parks will also be announcing opportunities for artists and organizations to connect

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