Giants Rising: A Cinematic Journey through the Redwood Forest

The public gathered for an outdoor film screening of Giants Rising at the Redwood Forest Theater in Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. Photo by Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods.

The Sylvan Sounds series’ October event featured an outdoor screening of the documentary Giants Rising at the Redwood Forest Theater with 200 people in attendance! Prior to the film, California Native and UC Davis Redwood geneticist, Zane Moore, led a Q&A with other natural resource professionals.

Attendees love enjoying the park in a different way! “This documentary was very inspiring ~ I want to spend more time appreciating the incredible nature we have, and I would like to be more involved in helping to educate others so we can heal and preserve it,” said an anonymous attendee. “We have a legacy of people who have gone before us with this vision, and it is especially important to continue advocating for the health of this unique and precious earth.”

A close up of the inflatable screen during the outdoor film screening of Giants Rising at the Redwood Forest Theater in Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. Photo by Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods.